Shipping To Haiti

Food Delivery Services In Haiti Last week's massive earthquake in Haiti was one of the most devastating natural disasters of the 21st century. The world has not seen devastation on this scale since the Asian tsunami that struck on Christmas Day in 2004. As the world gathers its resources to help Haiti recover and rebuild they are finding each step in the rescue process more difficult because the scale of devastation in Haiti is almost unprecedented. While the world has seen equally devastating disasters so far in the 21st century, the devastation is worse in Haiti due to the country's extreme poverty. Haiti is one of the poorest nations in the world and is the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere, conditions in the country prior to the earthquake served to magnify the destruction and make recovery even more difficult. In the aftermath of the quake, as thousands of aid workers and millions of dollars flood into the country to help, rescuers must battle new problems. A lack...